A constructive weekend
This weekend was dedicated to getting as much ready for the convention as possible (because next weekend will probably be dedicated to getting the house into a fit state for visitors). Number one major task was to finally get round to registering the rest of the books lytteltonwitch gave me ages ago, and properly labelling the piles of books that I’d registered over the past few weeks but not got any further with than scribbling the BCIDs quickly in the back. I also sorted out which books were good enough to go in goody bags as gifts, and which I’d just release as the mood took me during the convention weekend. The end result was an impressively large (and overflowing!) box of books:
[album 128913 nzbcbooks.JPG thumblink]
Then, after a slight pause to mend the fence, which blew over in one of the nor’westers last week, the next job was to finish decorating the last few notebooks for the goody bags.
[album 128913 notebooks2.JPG thumblink]
The mess… oops, I mean “creative process”
[album 128913 notebooks3.JPG thumblink]
The second batch of finished notebooks (I think the first batch featured in a previous diary entry). I’m particularly proud of the pink rose and blue butterfly designs, as they feature some of my embroidery.
I’ve still got a couple of notebooks to finish off, that I’m using card kits from embroidery magazines to make, but I should get them done over the next few nights. And then I’ll have made a grand total of 21 notebooks, which, unless we get a sudden influx of registrations over the next week and a bit, should be enough (and if we do get more registrations than expected, well then, we’ll have more money, so we can just go out and buy some nice notebooks!)
Currently reading: Good Wives by Louisa M Alcott